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莫迪第十七届香会演讲全文(英文)   2018-06-02 01:14:34

莫迪演講(中評社 郭至君攝)
  中評社新加坡6月2日電(记者 郭至君 臧涵)Prime Minister’s Keynote Address at Shangri La Dialogue (June 01, 2018)

  Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, 

  Thank you for your friendship, your leadership of India-Singapore partnership and a better future for the region.

  Defence Ministers, Mr. John Chipman, Dignitaries and Excellencies,Namaskar and a very good evening to all of you! 

  I am pleased to return to a region, known to India since ancient times as सुवर्णभूमि, (the land of gold).

  I am also happy to be here in a special year. In a land-mark year of India’s relationship with ASEAN.

  In January, we had the unique honour of hosting ten ASEAN leaders on our Republic Day. The ASEAN-India Summit was a testimony of our commitment to ASEAN, and to our Act East policy.

  For thousands of years, Indians have turned to the East. Not just to see the Sun rise, but also to pray for its light to spread over the entire world. The human-kind now looks to the Rising East, with the hope to see the promise that this 21st century beholds for the whole world, because the destiny of the world will be deeply influenced by the course of developments in the Indo-Pacific region.

  Because, this new age of promise is also caught in shifting plates of global politics and the fault lines of history. I am here to say that the future we seek does not have to be as elusive as Shangri La; that we can shape this region in our collective hopes and aspirations. No where is it more apt to pursue this than in Singapore.This great nation shows us that when the oceans are open, the seas are secure, countries are connected, the rule of law prevails and the region is stable, nations, small and large, prosper as sovereign countries. Free and fearless in their choices.

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