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沙納漢香会講話英文全文   2019-06-07 10:39:00

  More than 200 ships and submarines ensure freedom of navigation, search and rescue, and rapid assistance in the event of natural disasters.
  We are investing in advanced missile defense systems, interoperable with allied systems in Japan, Australia, and South Korea.

  Our security guarantees are reinforced thanks to strategic enhancements like our Columbia-class ballistic missile submarines; and our purchases of 110 fourth- and fifth- generation aircraft and advanced munitions.

  Our acquisition of 10 new destroyers will increase anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare capabilities, and ballistic missile defense, ensuring our forces – and those of our allies and partners – remain safe in a turbulent world.

  We are also accelerating forward presence of U.S. land forces to deepen real, operational relationships with those of allies and partners.

  We are expanding into space alongside allies Australia and Japan. This has been an opportunity to station some of our highest-end, most capable assets in the Indo-Pacific – right where they belong.

  To reiterate, the Indo-Pacific is our priority theater. We are where we belong. We are investing in the region. We are investing in you, and with you. And we need you to invest further in yourselves.

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