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中國飲食文化(Chinese Food Culture)










  一、餐具(dinner set, table ware)


  1. 筷子(chopsticks)


  Chopsticks are the primary eating utensil in Chinese culture for solid foods, while soups and other liquids are enjoyed with a wide, flatbottomed spoon (traditionally made of ceramic). It is reported that wooden chopsticks are losing their dominance due to recent logging shortfalls in China and East Asia; many Chinese eating establishments are considering a switch to a more environmentally sustainable eating utensil, such as plastic or bamboo chopsticks. More expensive materials used in the past included ivory and silver. On the other hand, disposable chopsticks made of wood/bamboo have all but replaced reusable ones in small restaurants.




  4.飯碗(rice bowl)




  二、中餐概述(An overview of Chinese meal)


  1.主食(zhǔshí,“main food”, staple ,a carbohydrate source or starch),主要有米飯(rice)、麵條(noodles)、饅頭(mantou、steamed buns)等。

  Rice is a critical part of much of Chinese cuisine. However, in many parts of China, particularly northern China, wheatbased products including noodles and steamed buns (mantou饅頭) predominate, in contrast to southern China where rice is dominant. Despite the importance of rice in Chinese cuisine, at extremely formal occasions, it is sometimes the case that no rice at all will be served; in such a case, rice would only be provided when no other dishes remained, or as a token dish at the end of the meal. Soup is usually served at the start of a meal and at the end of a meal in Southern China.

  2.菜(cài, “vegetable”, accompanying dishes of vegetables, meat, fish, or other items)

  This cultural conceptualization is in some ways in contrast to cuisines of Northern Europe and the USA, where meat or animal protein is often considered the main dish, and analogous to the one of most Mediterranean cuisines, based typically on wheatderived components like pasta or couscous.

  3.湯 、糖水(soup)

  A sweet dish is usually served at the end of a formal dinner, such as sliced fruits or a sweet soup (糖水, sugar water) which is served warm.

  三、中國八大菜係(eight regional cuisines of china)


  一個菜係的形成和它的悠久歷史與獨到的烹飪特色分不開的。同時也受到這個地區的自然地理、氣候條件、資源特産、飲食習慣等影響。有人把“八大菜係”用擬人化的手法描繪爲:蘇、浙菜好比清秀素麗的江南美女;魯、皖菜猶如古拙檏實的北方健漢;粤、閩菜宛如風流典雅的公子;川、湘菜就像内涵豐富充實、才藝滿身的名士。 中國“八大菜係”的烹調技藝各具風韵,其菜肴之特色也各有千秋。

  Chinese food enjoys a high reputation in the world also for its sheer abundance. It is due to the diversity of the climate, products and customs that there are widely different food styles and tastes in local regions. 

  For local styles, Beijing cuisine combines the best features of different regional styles. Shangdong cuisine leads the Northern dishes. Shangdong cooks are good at cooking seafood. Sichuan cooks specialize in chilies and hot peppers and Sichuan dish is famous for aromatic and spicy sauces. Guangdong cooking makes use of many ingredients. They look for fresh, tender, crisp textures. Huai Yang cuisine stresses the natural flavors. Dishes are strong but not greasy, and light but delicate. Tan cuisine is both sweet and salty. There is a saying that “southerners have a sweet tooth, and northerners crave salt”, but Tan dishes manage to satisfy both. Because China's local dishes have their own typical characteristics, Chinese food can be divided into eight regional cuisines, the distinction of which is now widely accepted.

  1.四川菜係 (Sichuan Cuisine、Szechuan Cuisine)




  Sichuan Cuisine, known more commonly in the West as Szechuan Cuisine, is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavors, Sichuan cuisine, with a myriad of tastes, emphasizes the use of chili. Pepper and prickly ash are always in accompaniment, producing the typical exciting tastes. Garlic(蒜), ginger (薑)and fermented soybean(腐乳) are also used in the cooking process. Wild vegetables and meats such as are often chosen as ingredients, while frying(煎、炒), frying without oil(干鍋),pickling (腌、泡)and braising(燜) are used as basic cooking techniques.

  It can be said that one who doesn't experience Sichuan food has never reached China. 

  聞名菜譜(Typical menu items)

  2.廣東菜係 (Guangdong Cuisine 、Cantonese Cuisine) 



  廣州菜集南海、番禺、東莞、順德、中山等地方風味的特色,兼京、蘇、揚、杭等外省菜以及西菜之所長,融爲一體,自成一家。廣州菜取料廣泛,品種花樣繁多,令人眼花潦亂。天上飛的,地上爬的,水中游的,幾乎都能上席。鷓鴣、禾花雀、豹狸、果子狸、穿山甲、海狗魚等飛禽野味自不必説;猫、狗、蛇、鼠、猴、龜,甚至不識者誤認爲“螞蝗”的禾蟲,亦在烹製之列,而且一經厨師之手,頓時就變成异品奇珍、美味佳肴,令中外人士刮目相看,十分驚异。廣州菜的另一突出特點是,用量精而細,配料多而巧,裝飾美而艷,而且善於在模仿中創新,品種繁多,1965 年“廣州名菜美點展覽會”介紹的就有5457 種之多。廣州菜的第三個特點是,注重質和味,口味比較清淡,力求清中求鮮、淡中求美。而且隨季節時令的變化而變化,夏秋偏重清淡,冬春偏重濃郁。食味講究清、鮮、嫩、爽、滑、香,調味遍及酸、甜、苦、辣、咸,此即所謂五滋六味。代表品種有:龍虎鬥、白灼蝦、烤乳猪、香芋扣肉、黄埔炒蛋、炖禾蟲、狗肉煲、五彩炒蛇絲等,都是饒有地方風味的廣州名菜。




  3.湖南菜係(Hunan Cuisine)


  Hunan cuisine consists of local cuisines of Xiangjiang Region, Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau areas. It is characterized by thick and pungent(辛辣的)flavors,Chili, pepper(胡椒、辣椒)and shallot(青葱)are usually necessities in this variation.

  聞名菜譜(Typical menu items):

  4. 山東菜係(Shandong Cuisine)


  Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clean, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallots and garlic are frequently used as seasonings so Shandong dishes taste pungent. Soups are given much emphasis in Shandong cuisine. Thin soups are clear and fresh while creamy soups are thick and taste strong. Jinan chefs are adept at deepfrying, grilling, panfrying and stirfrying while Jiaodong chefs are famous for cooking seafood with a fresh and light taste.

  聞名菜譜(Typical menu items): Bird's Nest Soup; Yellow River Carp in Sweet and Sour sauce

  5.江蘇菜係(Jiangsu Cuisine、Huaiyang Cuisine)

  特點: 烹調技藝以炖、燜、煨著稱;重視調湯,保持原汁。

  Jiangsu Cuisine, also called Huaiyang Cuisine, is popular in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Using fish and crustaceans as the main ingredients, it stresses their freshness. Its carving techniques are delicate, of which the melon carving technique is especially well known. Cooking techniques consist of stewing, braising, roasting, and simmering. The flavor of Huaiyang Cuisine is light, fresh and sweet and its presentation is delicately elegant.

  聞名菜譜(Typical menu items):

  6.浙江菜係(Zhejiang Cuisine)

  特點:鮮嫩(freshness) 軟(softness) 滑(smoothness),香醇綿糯(mellow fragrance),清爽不膩(not greasy)

  Comprising local cuisines of Hanzhou, Ningbo, and Shaoxing, Zhejiang Cuisine is not greasy. It wins its reputation for freshness, tenderness, softness, and smoothness of its dishes with their mellow fragrance. Hangzhou Cuisine is the most famous one of the three.

  聞名菜譜(Typical menu items):

  7.福建菜係(Fujian Cuisine)


  Combining Fuzhou Cuisine, Quanzhou Cuisine and Xiamen Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine is renowned for its choice seafood, beautiful color and magical tastes of sweet, sour, salt and savory. The most distinct feature is their “pickled taste”.

  聞名菜譜Typical menu items:

  8.安徽菜係(Anhui Cuisine)

  安徽菜由皖南、沿江和沿淮地方風味搆成。皖南菜是主要代表。特點:以火腿(ham)佐味,冰糖 (candied sugar) 提鮮、擅長燒 (braise) 炖 (stew),講究火工 

  Anhui Cuisine chefs focus much more attention on the temperature in cooking and are good at braising and stewing. Often ham will be added to improve taste and candied sugar added to gain freshness.

  聞名菜譜(Typical menu items):

  四、藥膳(Chinese medicinal cuisine)


  Chinese medicinal cuisine is unique in China and has a long history. Sun Simiao, a leading Tang Dynasty doctor, once said, “Food has the function of eliminating evil influences and soothing the vital organs, cultivating one's mind and building up one's strength.” In China, people contend that food tonic is much better than medicine tonic in fortifying one's health. Based on traditional Chinese herbal medicine practice, it combines strictly processed traditional Chinese medicine with traditional culinary materials to produce delicious food with health restoring qualities. To cook medicinal food, one has a large variety of fine materials to choose from and each material has its own unique flavor. Generally, processed herbal materials are more commonly used in order to avoid strong odors. However, individuals of different physical status need to select different herbs. The selection of herbs will depend on each individual's condition of health. Due to its herbal nature, it is better to take medicinal food according to the doctor's prescription.

  In the cooking of medicinal food, slow cooking methods such as stewing, braising and simmering are usually used in order to extract more of the herbs' healing properties.

  聞名菜譜Typical medicine cuisine:

  Baby Pigeon Stewed with Gouqi (Medlar) and Huangqi (Membranous Milk Vetch);


  Pork Simmered with Lotus Seed and lily


  Pig's Kidney Stewed with Eucommia Bark. 




  2. 描述一道你喜歡的中國菜。

  3. 説一説:和你們國家的飲食習慣比起來,中國的飲食有什麽特點?