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廣東省(Guangdong Province)
Guangdong (Canton in English) is a province on the southern coast of the People's Republic of China. The provincial capital Guangzhou and economic hub Shenzhen are among the most populous and important cities in China. Guangdong is quite different from the northern part of China. It is one of the country's richest with the highest total GDP among all provinces. Its nominal GDP for 2003 was $165 billion, increased to $265 billion in 2005 (about the same size as Denmark) and to $329.07 billion in 2006. Guangdong contributes approximately 12% of national economic output.
Ⅰ. 概况(Brief introduction)
簡稱: [粤]
Abbreviations: yue
地理位置: 廣東地處嶺南,熱帶、亞熱帶的地理環境和風光,南瀕熱帶海洋,西南隔瓊州海峽與海南相望;東接福建;西同廣西鄰。
Location: Guangdong faces the South China Sea to the south. Guangdong borders Fujian province to the northeast, Jiangxi and Hunan provinces to the north, Guangxi autonomous region to the west, and Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions to the south. Hainan province is offshore across from the Leizhou Peninsula.
省會: 廣州
Capital: Guangzhou
氣候: 廣東全省地處亞熱帶,大部分地區屬亞熱帶季風氣候,夏長冬短, 雨量充沛。年平均降雨量爲1500—2000毫米,年平均蒸發量1000— 1200毫米,屬濕潤地區。
Climate: Guangdong has a humid subtropical climate (tropical in the far south), with short, mild, dry, winters and long, hot, wet summers. Average daily highs in Guangzhou in January and July are 18C (64F) and 33C (91F) respectively, although the humidity makes it feel much hotter in summer. Frost is rare on the coast but may happen a few days each winter well inland.
行政區劃: 廣東全省有21個地級市、33個縣級市、43個縣、3個自治縣。
Administrative divisions: 21 prefecturelevel cities, 33 countylevel cities, 43 counties and 3 autonomous counties.
面積: 總面積177,900萬平方公里
Area: 177,900 km2
景觀: 廣東省面臨浩瀚無際的大海,揹負雄峻的南嶺山脈;此外還具有奇麗的“丹霞地貌”,使得廣東省具有“緑水丹崖”的秀麗景色 。
Sceneries: there are a lot of beautiful sceneries in Guangdong Province, including the vast beach and a few mountain ranges.
廣東簡介: 廣東得天獨厚,勝景處處。鳥瞰全省,粤北有瑶族聚居地、丹霞山等,粤中有珠海三角洲水鄉,粤東有潮汕平原,粤西有鼎湖山、七星岩等。南海的海岸綫,東起南澳島,中有香港、澳門、珠海,西南有湛江雷州灣,像一串熠熠生輝的明珠。這裏氣侯温和,陽光明媚,一年四季均適宜旅遊。旅遊資源豐富,類型多樣,在這裏 ,抱着不同願望來的旅遊者都能實現願望。
Notable attractions: include Danxia Mountain, Yuexiu Hill in Guangzhou, Star Lake and the Seven Star Crags, and Dinghu Mountain.
Ⅱ. 主要城市介紹(Introduction of some important cities)
廣州是廣東省省會, 地處廣東省東南部, 珠江三角洲北緣,全省政治、經濟和文化中心,是中國的“南大門”。
Guangzhou is in the southern part of China. It is the capital city of Guangdong Province. It lies in the southeastern part of the province, that is, the northern edge of the Pearl River Delta. It is political, economic and cultural center of the whole province.
廣州是“水果之鄉”, 主要産荔枝、龍眼、香蕉、菠蘿、木瓜、楊桃等。廣州的花卉和盆景遠近馳名, 以陰生觀葉植物、高檔盆花、鮮切花、嶺南盆景爲主。
廣州山青水秀, 風光旖旎, 旅遊資源豐富, 旅遊景點100多處, 其中以羊城新八景白雲山、珠江、越秀山、東站廣場、陳家祠、黄花崗七十二烈士墓、廣東奥林匹克體育中心、蓮花山以及中山紀念堂、黄埔軍校、南越王博物館、華南植物園、從化温泉、番禺香江野生動物世界、寶墨園、廣東美術館等景點最負盛名。
(三) 昵稱别名(Nicknames)
廣州又稱“羊城”。相傳周朝時, 南海飄來五朵彩色祥雲, 五仙人騎着五只羊, 各携帶一串谷穗降臨此處, 贈谷穗給居民, 祝福此地五穀豐登、永無饑荒, 留下五羊化爲石頭。今越秀公園建有以此傳説爲題材的“五羊石像”。
According to the legend, there were five celestial beings riding into the area that is now Guangzhou on five rams and carrying sheaves of rice. The celestials bestowed blessings on the land and offered the sheaves to the people of the city as a symbol of prosperity and abundance. After the celestials left, the rams turned into stone, and Guangzhou quickly developed into an affluent and influential city.
(四) 文化習俗(customs and cultures)
廣州是嶺南文化的中心地。粤劇是廣州地區最有代表性的地方劇, 享有“南國紅豆”的盛譽。廣東音樂源於廣州和珠江三角洲, 吸納了中原古樂、江南小調和崑曲等的精華, 與本地民歌、民謡相結合而成。嶺南畫派是現代中國畫派之一。廣雕、廣彩、廣綉馳名中外。粤菜是中國一大菜係, 菜譜上千種, “食在廣州”聞名天下。
廣州的民間習俗很多, 有迎春花市、龍舟競渡,、重陽登高、擺年橘、飲早茶等。
佛山 (Foshan)
(一)地理位置 (Location)
Foshan City is situated in the midsouthern part of Guangdong, the central region of the Pearl River Delta, with favorable geographical position, fertile land and mild climate, with Guangzhou to its east. It is near Hong Kong and Macau.
(二)歷史文化(Historical culture)
(三) 自然條件(Natural conditions)
Foshan mainly has the natural sources of pot clay, rocks, glass sand, rare metals and pool fishes, rice, sugar cane and various fruits and flowers etc.
(四) 旅遊景點(Tourist attractions)
Foshan has many sights, including Chinese temples and other examples of Chinese architecture. Foshan Zumiao Temple, Mount Xiqiao, Nanfeng Ancient Fuenace, Qinghui Garden, Nanguo Peach Tourism Vacationland, Mount Zaomu, Chencun Town Flower World, Sanshui's Lotus World are the famous eight sceneries in Foshan.
(一) 深圳概况(Brief introduction)
深圳海岸綫長229.96公里,多爲優良港口岸綫, 6處港灣建有深水港。海域廣闊,水産資源豐富,盛産荔枝等名果,礦産資源主要爲花崗岩、大理石等建築材料,金屬礦産可開採量較小,油、氣等能源靠外界輸入。
Shenzhen is a subprovincial city of Guangdong province in southern China. Although this city is famous for its extreme proximity with the boundary of Hong Kong, it is at least 25km away from the core urban area of Hong Kong. Shenzhen is a centre of foreign investment and since the late 1970s has been one of the fastest growing cities in the world. It is also the busiest port in China after Shanghai. In the past two decades, outsiders have invested more than $30 billion in Shenzhen for building factories and forming joint ventures. It was the first of the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in China.
Shenzhen was originally a mountainous area, with fertile agrarian land. However, after the introduction of special economic zone in 1979, Shenzhen underwent tremendous change in landscape. The once hilly fishing village is now replaced by mostly flat ground in downtown area.
何謂“鵬城”? 在深圳東部50多公里開外的南澳鎮,有一處名叫鵬城的地方,城門像北京的德勝門,只是規模小了很多。 城墻經風雨侵蝕,一番破敗景象; 城樓雖不及山海關雄壯,仍古味十足。進入城門,只見青石板鋪就的道路,兩旁平房都是磚木結構,鱗次櫛比,露出房檐的椽子都已腐敗,看起來年代已相當久遠。當地居民稱這個地方叫王母,又叫大鵬,這座城就叫鵬城。“鵬城”由此得名。
(三)旅遊景點(Tourist attractions)
Shenzhen's major tourist attractions include the Chinese Folk Culture Villages, the Window of the World, Happy Valley, Splendid China, the Safari Park in Nanshan district, the Dameisha Promenade, Xiaomeisha Beach Resort in Yantian district, Zhongying Street, Xianhu Lake Botanical Garden, and Minsk World. The city also offers free admission to a number of public parks including the Lianhuashan Park, Lizhi Park, Zhongshan Park and Wutongshan Park. Shenzhen is famous for the great variety of cuisines that its numerous restaurants provide.
Most tourists, however, choose to stay in a largely expatriate and exotic residential community called Shekou, home to a large French cruise liner cemented into the ground, confiscated on drug smuggling charges. Shekou was expanded and renovated in recent years, including claiming additional land from the sea.
Shenzhen is in the top ranks among mainland Chinese cities in terms of comprehensive economic power. It ranked fourth in GDP among mainland Chinese cities in 2001, while it ranked the top in GDP per capita during the same period. Its import and export volumes have been first for the last nine consecutive years. It is the second in terms of industrial output. For five consecutive years, its internal revenue within local budget ranks third. It also ranks third in the actual use of foreign capital.
Shenzhen is a major manufacturing centre in China. One highrise a day and one boulevard every three days is one famous line referring to Shenzhen in the 1990s. With 13 buildings at over 200 metres tall, including the Shun Hing Square (the 9th tallest building in the world), Shenzhen is a marvel of lights after sunset.
Shenzhen is home to some of China's most successful hightech companies, such as Huawei and ZTE. A number of foreign IT companies also have facilities in the city. Foxconn has a manufacturing plant based in Shenzhen where they make most of the iPods and laptops for Apple Computer. It appears to be shipping a large majority of the new Intelbased machines at this stage. Lenovo, the Chinese conglomerate that bought the personal computing division of IBM in 2005, manufactures its line of ThinkPad notebook computers in Shenzen. IBM still has a joint venture in Shenzhen manufacturing server products. Many of these foreign hightech companies have their operations in the Science and Technology park in Nanshan District or outside the core districts where labor and land are much cheaper. In the financial sector, China Merchants' Bank, one of the largest banks in China, has its headquarters in Shenzhen. Shenzhen City Commercial Bank is also based in the city. It is expected that more foreign financial institutions will invest in Shenzhen.
In 2006, the GDP reached a record high of 568.4 billion RMB, an increase of 15% over 2005. Shenzhen's economic output is ranked fourth in mainland China, and it is comparable to that of a medium sized province in China. In 2006, Shenzhen's GDP per capita was 8619 yuan, making it the highest among Chinese mainland cities.
(五) 深港合作(Integration with Hong Kong)
Many visitors who cross the Hong Kong SAR/mainland China border to Shenzhen go for the shopping, where goods and services are supposedly far cheaper than those in Hong Kong. However, without coming prepared knowing the prices of specific items the goods may end up being far more expensive than in Hong Kong while others are only marginally cheaper, even after a long phase of negotiating.
The shopping mall most visited by tourists is Lo Wu Commercial City, situated close to the railway station. This contains an overwhelming array of beauty parlours and stores selling clothes, handbags, fabric, jewellery and electrical goods as well as many vendors of pirated software, DVDs, counterfeit goods and mobile phones. With the number of tourists, it is also a popular location for prostitution, drugs, pickpockets and begging. However, Hua Qiang Bei (North of Huang Qiang Road) is the real mega shopping area favoured by locals.
Ⅲ. 飲食文化(Cantonese cuisine)
粤菜,即廣東地方風味菜,是我國著名四大菜係之一。粤菜以廣州、潮州、東江三種地方菜爲主。廣州菜配料多,善於變化,講究鮮、嫩、爽、滑,一般是夏秋力求清淡、冬春偏重濃醇,尤其擅長小炒,要求掌握火候,油温恰到好處;潮州菜以烹制海鮮見長,更以湯菜最具特色,刀工精巧,口味清純,注意保持主料原有的鮮味;東江菜(也稱客家菜)主料突出,檏實大方,有獨特的鄉土風味。以上三種菜互爲補充,形成了粤菜的獨具特色:一是用料廣博奇特,選料精細,配合四時更替,四季時令菜肴重在色、香、清、鮮;二是烹調技藝考究,刀工操作精細,常用的有熬、煲、蒸、炖、扣、炒、泡、扒、炸、煎、浸、滚、燴、燒、鹵等,同時,調味佐料衆多,有香、鬆、脆、肥、濃五滋和酸、甜、苦、辣、咸、 鮮六味,具有濃厚的南國風味。
Cantonese cuisine is wellknown for its blend of color, fragrance, taste and presentation, and it is ranked among the top four in the country. It mainly includes Guangzhou cuisine, Hakka cuisine and Teochew cuisine. Cantonese cuisine is famous for its vegetarian dishes as well. The cooking methods include steaming, stirfrying, shallow frying, double boiling, braising and deepfrying.
Ⅳ. 名勝古迹(Places of interest)
Mount Luofu is mainly situated on the north bank of the Dongjiang in the northwest of Bóluó County in the prefecture of Huizhou in Guangdong Province that covers 250 kilometers.
It was said that there were nine guan (temple), 18 si (temple) and 32 an (temple) on Mt. Luofu.
丹霞山位於韶關市東北54公里處,距仁化縣城 9 公里。丹霞山海拔 408米,不算高,但它的山崖,遠看似染紅霞,近看則色彩斑斕,許多懸崖峭壁,像刀削斧,直指藍天,無數奇岩美洞,隱藏於山中,景色相當奇麗。
Danxiashan Geopark, which covers 290km2, is located in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province. The worldwide landforms formed by red terrestrial sandstone and conglomerate and characterized by red rock walls and cliffs are all known as Danxia landform, and Danxia Mountain is the very location where this special landform was named. The whole mountain has redbed peak forest type of structure with 380 (big or small) rock peaks, rock forts, rock walls and rock stacks. Its main peak is 618m above the sea level.
Mount Xiqiao, always known as a “famous mount in Nanyue”, is located at the southwest of Nanhai, a hinterland of Zhujian Delta of Guangdong province as well as 40 miles away from Guangzhou city. It is reputed as a beautiful local country picture of Zhujiang Delta, and a dark green jade in Lingnan region.
鼎湖山位於廣東肇慶市東北郊,是嶺南著名的佛教名山和遊覽勝地。鼎湖山位於北緯23°10″,東經112°31″。因地球上北回歸綫穿過的地方大都是沙漠或乾草原,所以鼎湖山又被中外學者譽爲“北回歸綫上的緑寶石” 。鼎湖山面積1133公頃,最高處的鷄籠山頂高1000.3米,鼎湖山因其特殊的研究價值聞名海内外,被譽爲華南生物種類的“基因儲存庫”和“活的自然博物館”。
Dinghushan is located in the midpart of Guangdong Province in south China, northeastern suburb of Zhaoqing city, about 84 km away from Guangzhou, with the geolocation of 112°30′39″~112°33′41″E and 23°09′21″~23°11′30″N. It occupies 1133 hm2, covered mostly by hills and valleys. The altitude of the station ranges nearly from 100 to 700 m above sea level, with the highest of 1000.3 m at Jilongshan.
Four Famous Gardens in Guangdong: Yuyin Mountain House in Panyu, Liangyuan Garden in Foshan, Keyuan Garden in Dongguan and Qinghui Garden in Shunde.
2.粤菜的特色有以下兩點:一是用料廣博奇特,選料精細,配合四時更替,四季時令菜肴重在色、香、清、鮮;二是烹調技藝考究,刀 工操作精細,常用的有熬、煲、蒸、炖、扣、炒、泡、扒、炸、煎、浸、滚、燴、燒、鹵等,同時,調味佐料衆多,有香、鬆、脆、肥、濃五滋和酸、甜、苦、辣、咸、 鮮六味,具有濃厚的南國風味。
4.廣州又稱“羊城”。相傳周朝時, 南海飄來五朵彩色祥雲, 五仙人騎着五只羊, 各携帶一串谷穗降臨此處, 贈谷穗給居民, 祝福此地五穀豐登、永無饑荒, 留下五羊化爲石頭。今越秀公園建有以此傳説爲題材的“五羊石像”。