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The Barbarous South is not Barbarous- Prehistoric Culture of the Pearl River Valley
The Pearl River, which is the biggest river in Lingnan Region, covers three provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangdong, and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Origins of the river’s branches can be traced to Hunan, Jiangxi and Fujian provinces. The Pearl River Culture refers to all different cultures exist in the Pearl River Valley, while this book will focus on the prehistoric culture of the Pearl River Valley.
In history, the Lingnan Region had been considered as a barbarous place, for it was relatively not as developed and civilized as the central land. However, a lot of archaeological findings have proven that the Lingnan Region was rich in culture even in the prehistoric period. Outstanding achievements had been made in the origins of human being, planting and livestock raising, primitive religions and arts. Abundant archaeological evidences had been discovered in the past decades, and more new and important materials will come out in the future. Though we haven’t got every details of the prehistoric Pearl River Culture yet, we can almost assert that the Lingnan Region was not barbarous as it had been considered in the past. Thanks to the prosperous prehistoric culture, the Pearl River Valley had functioned as a pioneer in the development of national culture in history, especially the modern times, which should be a result of this profound culture.