美國務院聲明 歡迎扁承諾四不(附原文)

http://www.chinareviewnews.com   2006-06-09 09:52:56  






Press Statement
Sean McCormack, Spokesman
Washington, DC
June 8, 2006

Taiwan -- Chen Shui-Bian's Statements on Cross-Strait Issues

The United States is pleased to hear President Chen Shui-bian's June 8 public reaffirmation of his promises to the United States on cross-Strait issues, including his statement that these measures will not change during his remaining two years in office.

President Chen declared that neither domestic nor foreign pressures would alter the guarantees in his 2000 inaugural address not to declare independence, change the national title, push for inclusion of sovereignty themes in the constitution, or promote a referendum to change the status quo in regards to the questions of independence and unification. 

President Chen also reaffirmed his 2004 inaugural pledge to exclude sovereignty themes from the process of constitutional reform, which would focus exclusively on good governance and Taiwan economic competitiveness. 

The United States attaches profound importance to these pledges, which are a cornerstone of cross-Strait peace and stability. 

We welcome President Chen June 8 remarks as an important contribution to stability, and we urge Beijing to take parallel steps to fulfill its obligations for regional peace and stability, including by reaching out to Taiwan duly elected leaders. 


Released on June 8, 2006       

    相關專題: 政治計謀 陳水扁聲稱交權

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