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http://www.CRNTT.com   2024-08-05 00:02:22  


  〔1〕茲比格紐·布熱津斯基:《大棋局: 美國的首要地位及其地緣戰略》,中國國際問題研究所譯,上海: 上海人民出版社,1998 年,第 36 頁。

  〔2〕Joint Statement of the Leaders of the United States and the Philippines, The White House, May 1 2023, https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/05/01/joint-statement-of-the-leaders-of-the-united-states-and-the-philippines/. 

  〔3〕時殷弘:《美國同盟和聯盟體系的對華軍事態勢現狀》,《亞太安全與海洋研究》,2022 年第2期,第3頁。

  〔4〕"U.S.- Japan Joint Leaders' Statement: 'U.S.-Japan Global Partnership for a New Era'," The White House, April 16, 2021, https: / / www. whitehouse. gov / briefing - room/ statements - releases/ 2021 / 04 / 16 / u-s-japan-joint-leaders-statement-u-s-japan-global-partnership-fora-new-era /.


  〔6〕The United States and the Republic of the Philippines Bilateral Defense Guidelines,May 2023,https://media.defense.gov/2023/May/03/2003214357/-1/-1/0/THE-UNITED-STATES- AND-THE-REPUBLIC-OF-THE-PHILIPPINES-BILATERAL-DEFENSE-GUIDELINES.PDF.

  〔7〕Joint Vision Statement from the Leaders of Japan, the Philippines, and the United States,APRIL 11, 2024,https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/11/joint-vision-statement-from-the-leaders-of-japan-the-philippines-and-the-united-states/.

  〔8〕北村淳”台灣危機をめぐる米中の思惑 アメリカは日本を‚防波堤‛にして時間稼ぎ?”、AERA dot、2022年2月12日、https://dot.asahi.com/articles/-/42360 [2023-09-13]。

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