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新加坡外交部:李顯龍涉華言論被斷章取義   2013-08-23 16:56:24  


  文章稱,“當然,如果出於長期考量,他們也會發現無論是釣魚島問題還是南海問題,如果要採取硬取方法,必將丟掉世界地位和名譽。因此需萬分小心。那樣就會成為“讓我們與害怕中國的國家聯合起來”,而這並非為建設性的有益之舉。我認為,大家均應和平共處,發展多領域的建設性關係,亞太國家之間的關聯並不需要都應以中國為中心,日本與東盟、日本與美國、印度與東亞國家都有合作。印度總理辛格訪問日本,也將訪問美國,同時試圖與中國保持良好關係。(And certainly, if they are taking a long-term approach, they will make this calculation that whether it is the Senkakus, whether it is the South China Sea, what you gain on the Senkakus or the South China Sea, but you lose in terms of your broader reputation and standing in the world, you have to make that calculation very carefully. So I will be very careful about saying, ‘let us make a friendship amongst all the countries which are frightened of China’. I do not think that is a constructive and helpful approach.)

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