It’s going to kick off tomorrow afternoon. Both leaders will fly into Palm Beach and have a relaxed interaction starting late tomorrow afternoon. Both sides’ spouses will be there. They’ll have an opportunity to have tea together, meet some of their senior cabinet officials, so to speak, on both sides, and have a dinner.
The following day, on Friday, there will be a series of meetings that will go up to and include a working lunch. And those meetings will have a variety of formats. The presidents will have some of their respective senior officials with them to cover a lot of ground.
We’ll be talking about, of course, North Korea. We’ll be talking about trade and the economic relationship. We’ll be talking about maritime issues and a variety of other areas of cooperation and areas where we want to cooperate more closely with China. Thank you.
MS THORNTON:Thanks, Matt. Good morning, everyone, or I guess it’s afternoon already. Just before we start, I did want to pay homage to a great Washington, D.C. tradition going on right now, which is the Cherry Blossom Festival. So on my way over here today, I noticed all of the trees are out and in bloom, and I hope you’ll all get a chance, maybe when you leave here, to go over to the Tidal Basin and see the most miraculous kind of beautiful unveiling of all of the cherry blossoms over there. Of course, a gift given to us by the Government of Japan back a number of decades ago. So I hope you all won’t miss that for all of your focus on this upcoming summit.
Of course, as Matt mentioned, we’ll have the two leaders coming together tomorrow in Florida at Mar-a-Lago. And there’s been some discussion about the venue, and I just wanted to note that this is a chance for, as he said, the two leaders to get to know one another. We want to have them establish a good working relationship so that they can in times of both opportunity and crisis reach out to one another and have a good rapport. And so I think having the summit down in Florida is a good chance in a more informal atmosphere, more relaxed, for them to have these discussions that’ll be very serious, of course, very important discussions, trying to kick off a good relationship at the outset of this administration and look for what our priority issues are that we’re going to work on, how we’re going to address challenges, and how we’re going to also talk about some of the areas that the Trump administration and President himself has focused on, like trade problems and challenges in the trading relationship, in the investment relationship, and also North Korea, as Matt mentioned.