華府再警告 憲改不得涉領土範圍(附原文)

http://www.chinareviewnews.com   2006-09-29 09:49:36  

  中評社香港9月29日電/美國國務院28日重申立場,強調美方重視陳水扁過往數度宣示“憲改不涉及主權與領土定義”的承諾,並表示陳水扁能否履行承諾,是對其領導能力、政治家風範與可信賴度(leadership, dependability and statesmanship)的考驗。 換句話說,麥考馬克用這3個不同的英文詞彙,為台灣領導人上了一堂說文解字課,提醒陳水扁說話要算話。 






  QUESTION: On Taiwan. Do you have any comment on Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian's new remarks yesterday saying that Taiwan and China are different countries? And his party also talked about 10-year timetable to turn Taiwan into a normal country. Thanks. 

  MR. MCCORMACK: Our longstanding position is clear and remains: We do not support Taiwan independence. We are opposed to unilateral changes to the status quo by either side. We take seriously President Chen's repeated commitments not to permit the constitutional reform process to touch on Taiwan's status, including territorial definition. President Chen's fulfillment of his commitments will be a test of leadership, dependability and statesmanship. 

  QUESTION: A follow-up. The President said that his new remarks do not oppose, you know, his earlier commitment. Do you have any -- do you get any clarification from Taiwan so far?

  MR. MCCORMACK: I don't have anything to add to what I just read you.   

    相關專題: 陳水扁負隅頑抗 台灣政局動蕩

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