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掃描二維碼訪問中評網移動版 安倍晉三香格里拉對話主旨演講全文(英) 掃描二維碼訪問中評社微信   2014-05-31 15:12:58

  The rule of law at sea: Three principles

  Now, when we say “the rule of law at sea” -- what exactly do we mean in concrete terms? If we take the fundamental spirit that we have infused into international law over the ages and reformulate it into three principles, we find the rule of law at sea is actually a matter of common sense.

  The first principle is that states shall make and clarify their claims based on international law.

  The second is that states shall not use force or coercion in trying to drive their claims.

  The third principle is that states shall seek to settle disputes by peaceful means.
So to reiterate this, it means making claims that are faithful in light of international law, not resorting to force or coercion, and resolving all disputes through peaceful means.

  So that is all about common sense, pure and simple. And yet these very natural things must be emphasized.

  I urge all of us who live in Asia and the Pacific to each individually uphold these three principles exhaustively. 

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