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掃描二維碼訪問中評網移動版 關於吃飯時間與減肥的四大事實真相 掃描二維碼訪問中評社微信   2016-10-27 10:46:49


  There’s a popular notion among the lifting crowd that if you don’t have a protein shake and a good source of carbohydrates to replenish your energy reserves within 45 minutes to an hour of your workout, all of your hard work in the gym goes poof, just like that. Since nobody wants to risk having their gains wasted, this fear of missing the all-important “post-workout anabolic window” was perpetuated by a “just in case” mentality.


  Luckily, this review of the research in Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutritionclears things up a little:For most of us, when we eat after our workout doesn’t matter so much, as long as we eventually eat a substantial meal (that ideally contains both carbs and protein) at some point after. If you can’t sit down and eat a proper meal until hours after your workout, your muscles aren’t going to wither up and die like Internet forums will have you believe (whew!).


  Not eating immediately after your workout might affect you only if you have another intense workout to do on the same day. Otherwise, you’ll be fine. If you’ve already eaten before your workout, you can lag for up to 6 hours before not eating could start to hurt your recovery. While there’s no urgency to eat immediately, that Chipotle burrito is certainly a nice incentive to get your workout done, so if it helps get you to the finish line, by all means, enjoy. However, if you’re trying to maximize your benefits in the gym, it’s more important that you focus on getting enough protein and calories for the whole day and get enough rest.


  Myth:You Need to Stop Eating a Few Hours Before Bedtime

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