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掃描二維碼訪問中評網移動版 希拉里敗選演說:用開放的心接納特朗普 掃描二維碼訪問中評社微信   2016-11-10 14:05:27


  And to the millions of volunteers, community leaders, activists and union organizers who knocked on doors, talked to their neighbors, posted on Facebook — even in secret private Facebook sites.


  I want everybody coming out from behind that and make sure your voices are heard going forward. [Cheers and applause]


  To anyone that sent contributions, even as small as $5, that kept us going, thank you. To all of us, and to the young people in particular, I hope you will hear this — I have, as Tim said, I have spent my entire life fighting for what I believe in.


  I've had successes and setbacks and sometimes painful ones. Many of you are at the beginning of your professional, public, and political careers — you will have successes and setbacks too.

  This loss hurts, but please never stop believing that fighting for what's right is worth it.

  It is, it is worth it. [Cheers and applause]


  And so we need — we need you to keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives. And to all the women, and especially the young women, who put their faith in this campaign and in me:I want you to know that nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion.


  Now, I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday someone will — and hopefully sooner than we might think right now. [Cheers and applause]

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