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美支持台灣參與WHA AIT臉書發文聲援   2018-05-10 09:52:12



  如果失去了健康,我們就不可能會有繁榮的社會。像伊波拉病毒這樣的傳染病,可以在36小時內從鄉村迅速蔓延到世界各國首都,因此及早阻擋病毒擴散是“國家安全”的第一要務。 這就是為什麼從2015年以來,美國和台灣共同舉辦了五次區域公共衛生研討會。這些研討會大力提升了我們共同阻止傳染病傳播的能力。美國強烈支持台灣以觀察員身份參與世界衛生大會。台灣致力於推動全球衛生安全,也為公共衛生與發展做出了重要貢獻,美國認為台灣不應該被排除在這些重要討論之外。

  We cannot have prosperity if we’re not healthy. Infectious diseases like Ebola can spread from villages to world capitals in 36 hours. Stopping them early is a national security priority.

  That’s why the United States and Taiwan have jointly hosted five regional public health workshops since 2015. These workshops have improved our collective ability to stop the spread of infectious diseases. The United States strongly supports Taiwan’s participation as an observer in the World Health Assembly. Taiwan is committed to global health security and has made important contributions to public health and development, and the United States believes that Taiwan should not be excluded from these critical discussions.

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