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掃描二維碼訪問中評網移動版 府更正媒體 澄清馬未說將續推傾中政策 掃描二維碼訪問中評社微信   2014-09-26 00:35:47


  President: And also, we have actually learned a lot from the experience, especially in history, politics and economy from European countries. For example, Germany has provided us with a great reference in dealing with the two Germanys, so when we deal with the cross-strait affairs, we actually learn from the experience of Germany. For example, in 1972 the two Germanys signed the Basis of a Relation’s Agreement, and also the ideas behind it have provided us with great inspiration. Also, we have learned a lot from the Ein Deutschland, zwei Staaten, as well as the separation of sovereignty of the government authority, and these have provided us with great examples. Also, from the 1960s to 70s, the countries surrounding the North Sea cooperated to use peaceful negotiations and legal actions to resolve the oil dispute in the North Sea, and all parties concerned could work together to jointly develop their resources, thereby coming up with Brent crude oil, or Brent crude. And also when we proposed the East China Sea Peace Initiative, we actually emulated the spirit of the countries in Europe, and that is a very important source of inspiration. Also, Germay along with some other West European countries participated in the North Sea Continental Shelf Cases in 1969. It was a very successful example because you worked together to promote the exploration of oil, and that has been a very good experience for us.
  Reporter: Can I come back to the main land issue? This year you just mentioned the example of Germany, and that you drew on the example of the two states theory. Germany also had this model of a representative office in each other’s country, and this has been in discussion for a long time, I believe.
  President: Yeah.
  Reporter: So, do you think you will still see that in your presidency?
  President: I think so. I think we are having a lot of consensus in establishing the offices in each other’s places. And that would be very different from the one that was adopted by the two Germanys back in 1972 because East Germany set up an embassy in West Germany. But for West Germany, they set up a chancellor’s representative office in East Germany to avoid the impression that they recognized each other’s sovereignty. I’m sure if you check the language on the 1972 Grundlagenvertrag, you don’t see the word Souveränität, but rather the word Höheitsgewalt. That’s a term... Höheitsgewalt means supreme power, to replace the idea of soverignty. The 1972 agreement went so far as to recognize the territory of East and West Germany, but they went short of recognition of sovereignty. I think that’s a good move, and even though they haven’t used the word sovereignty, Chancellor Brandt wrote a letter to his East German counterpart, attached to the agreement, saying that whatever was said in the agreement would not affect the eventual unification of the two Germanys. And that letter saved the agreement when it was submitted to the German constitutional court, and the judges eventually said it’s okay. So what I’m trying to say is that this is a very delicate maneuver, and though we consult, we use that as a reference, but we have so far not used the idea of Ein Deutschland, zwei Staaten, one Germany, two states, because that will also have a constitutional problem in my country. So we use one China with respective interpretations because each side is allowed to express their idea of what that China is, but in that basis, no matter how fragile it is, it is very, very critical to make what happened in that last six years happen.

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