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Learning in Two Languages and Cultures
This book provides very valuable insights for people in the West of the approaches to the teaching of reading and writing which characterize Chinese education and which, often, differ in important ways respects from what happens in western classrooms. Critically, it offers an alternative view of practices such as repetition and memorization which have a much lower profile in western education. In an increasingly globalized world, such insights are of considerable importance. The methodology employed by Professor An Ran was driven by the desire to improve educational outcomes for Chinese children and achieved by using a multi-method approach which gave voice to all the participants. Unlike essentialist approaches, the research issues were allowed to emerge from the data rather than being imposed by the researcher.
Abstract 關閉
Acknowledgments 關閉
Chapter 1. Introduction關閉
Chapter 2. The Chinese community: Ianguage,culture and literacy關閉
Chapter 3. Chinese puzzle: Chinese families’perceptions of British education 關閉
Chapter 4. Parent-teacher communication 關閉
Chapter 5. The teaching of reading:British and Chinese perspectives 關閉
Chapter 6. Learning to read and write at home 關閉
Chapter 7. Community language teaching 關閉
Chapter 8. Conclusion 關閉