主辦:中國評論通訊社   中文繁體大陸簡體
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   125年3月16日 星期日
  Founded and duly registered in Hong Kong in May 2005, China Review News Agency is the first digital network news agency in the greater China region.

  Since its operation on 3 June 2005,China Review News Agency gives its readers indepth and analytical news and comments, second only to the official Xinhua News Agency and the Central News Agency. In particular, China Review News Agency is known for the most authoratative and influential news and analysis covering the Cross-strait relation.

  In Hong Kong,Taiwan,Beijing and Guangzhou, we are served by more than 70 editors,correspondents and contributors.

  China Review News Agency's free website, www.CRNTT.com, has developed into one of the most popular indepth news network in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China.

  Approved by the relevant authorities on the mainland and Taiwan,China Review monthly (sponsored by China Review News Agency), is the sole legitimate Chinese-version current event magazine distributed on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The monthly's readers are people of influence including relevant government officials, think-tanks and academics.

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關於我們 | 中評動態 | 招聘人才 | 聯系方式 | 鏈接方式 | 中評律師 | 驗證記者証 | 免責條款 | 本網内容授權書
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