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10種被捧上天護膚品 買了是浪費錢   2018-08-23 14:29:49

  They're pretty, and they're cheap, but do sheet masks really do anything? It depends on who you ask. Some skin-care professionals think that sheet masks do nothing at all, according to The Cut, while others consider them to be a holy grail product. At the end of the day, though, it all comes down to how you use them, and what sheet masks you're using, according to The Everygirl.

  面膜精致又便宜,但是面膜真的有用嗎?在這一點上是公說公有理,婆說婆有理。據The Cut網站報道,一些護膚專家認為,面膜根本沒用,而另外一些人則將面膜奉為護膚聖品。The Everygirl網站表示,歸根結底,有用沒用都取決於你是如何使用面膜的,以及使用的是什麼面膜產品。

  For example, just grabbing any sheet mask without reviewing the ingredients or reading about other people's experience with them probably isn't going to do you any favors, while doing your research and some trial and error would lead you to your skin-care savior.


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