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10種被捧上天護膚品 買了是浪費錢   2018-08-23 14:29:49

  Many eye creams say they will lessen wrinkles and help with dark circles, and they aren't wrong — keeping your under eye area hydrated helps prevent wrinkles and improves overall appearance according to Livestrong.


  What you need to keep in mind when it comes to eye creams, though, is that the ingredients in many popular eye creams actually don't differ much from a facial moisturizer, according to Fry Face. The only real difference tends to be that it's much less product for a lot more money.

  Fry Face網站稱,你需要記住的是,許多大熱眼霜的成分實際上和補水面霜差別不大。唯一的區別在於,你付了更多的錢買到了一瓶少得多的面霜。

  Instead, just use a high-quality moisturizer all over your face, including your under eye area.


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