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特朗普首份國情咨文英文原文   2018-01-31 15:23:37

   Monuments to Washington and Jefferson -- to Lincoln and King.

   Memorials to the heroes of Yorktown and Saratoga -- to young Americans who shed their blood on the shores of Normandy, and the fields beyond.  And others, who went down in the waters of the Pacific and the skies over Asia.  

   And freedom stands tall over one more monument:this one.  This Capitol.  This living monument to the American people.

   A people whose heroes live not only in the past, but all around us -- defending hope, pride, and the American way.

   They work in every trade.  They sacrifice to raise a family.  They care for our children at home.  They defend our flag abroad.  They are strong moms and brave kids.  They are firefighters, police officers, border agents, medics, and Marines. 

   But above all else, they are Americans.  And this Capitol, this city, and this Nation, belong to them.

   Our task is to respect them, to listen to them, to serve them, to protect them, and to always be worthy of them. 

   Americans fill the world with art and music.  They push the bounds of science and discovery.  And they forever remind us of what we should never forget:The people dreamed this country. The people built this country.  And it is the people who are making America great again.

   As long as we are proud of who we are, and what we are fighting for, there is nothing we cannot achieve.

   As long as we have confidence in our values, faith in our citizens, and trust in our God, we will not fail.

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